Tuesday, November 11

Wanted to update everyone on our friend, Ben Towne.....WOW what a fighter. We had the privilege to spend many nights with the Towne family at Seattle Children's Hospital over the last year. I have never seen a 3 year old with more strength than Ben. I nicknamed him "The Incredible Hulk" because one second he was being kind and sweet and the next pain would set in and he would go on a rage not knowing at his young age what was going on. The amazing nurses & doctors would combat his pain with different mixes of drugs. Some of them that if taken by you & I would put us to sleep in a second....not Ben! He would fight through, go on walk after walk, play cars, watch movies etc. Today Ben continues his fight....to stay alive and bless everyone with his amazing strength & presence.
This has been one of the hardest past weeks for Kelly & I. Our friends Jeff & Carin are going through what no parents should ever have to. We have been there during this fight for each other because only we knew what each family was dealing with. Now Jeff & Carin are going down a road different than we are. I spoke briefly with Carin's sister last week when the they found out the tumors were growing so rapidly....I was at a loss for words. Every day, every hour, every minute we think of the Townes and how blessed we are to know them.
Please once again keep the Towne family in your thoughts & prayers. Reach out to them via their blog and share your support. I know this last 15+ months when we would get comments they really went a long way in making us feel a little better knowing that we had such an amazing support group. Click here to go to Ben's blog.

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