Thursday, April 17

4 down 16 to go! Week 1 of 5 complete! Logan is in a lot of pain but hour by hour he is feeling better. He has had a fever all day until just recently...he finally beat it. He also bit his cheek and that has caused him a lot of pain. The goal is to go home tomorrow if Logan feels well. No fevers is the goal. Today he spoke w/ Peyton via speaker phone. It was awesome. Peyton was grunting into the phone every time he heard Logan's voice. Logan cannot wait to see him. We have tried to keep Peyton away because of the visible pain Logan is in as well as Peyton these days cannot sit still;) Peyton has been staying with Aunt Traci when not at is so nice to have an amazing family.
Well we went into this experimental ready for about anything....the nurses did a great job controlling Logan's pain. We have had the pleasure to work w/ one of the best nurses the whole week...Thank You Amber for making our week better. Your smile & sense of humor have really helped us.
This is Logan and Dad signing out from room T-3271...until next time....tomorrow:)


Kennedy News said...

Amber rocks! We really liked her too and always refer to her as "super Amber". The first time we had her she had a shirt with an "A" on it like Superman's symbol. Hang in there guys and take are still in our thoughts and prayers!

Anonymous said...

I hope this message finds you packing and/or winging your way home from Children's after round 1! We are so glad Logan gets time at home, when he is feeling good, to just be a kid. You continue to be on our hearts, and in our prayers.


Anonymous said...

Congrats you guys! We had hoped to stop by this morning, but Ben is not feeling well.

Thankful for a safe week. And hopeful for a good recovery.

Thinking of you,
The Townes