Wednesday, November 14

Good news to report. Kelly and I met w/ the surgeon about 7:30pm tonight. To quote him he said "I am in awe at the progress that has been made to kill/shrink the tumor." He is anticipating the surgery to go smooth and also thinks he can go in through the same incision that was done for the biopsy (about a 4" incision on his belly). He thinks Logan's recovery should go smooth and last about a week. He said when they do move the intestines around it does irritate the stomach a bit. He also let us know they will be watching his kidney that is near the tumor because the artery that feeds it is close to the tumor and w/ a kids arteries being so sensitive they watch for it collapsing. The good news w/ that when first diagnosed he said the huge tumor was soft and very bloody and would of been near impossible to remove without complications. Now it is small and rubbery and should peel off pretty easy.
I shared the good news w/ Logan that they will be able to pull the bad seed out of the same hole they already made and that he will not feel a thing. I also said told him since he used his superpowers to shrink the seed so small it made the doctor very happy. Logan was very proud!

Hopefully now he will go to sleep. I think the blood they transfused into him today had sugar in it;)


Nana & Papa said...

Great Job Logan!
I knew you had the right super power to kill that seed. Maybe today (Thurs) you will go home and tell us about it.

Love you Nana and Papa

Anonymous said...

Wonderful news! It's amazing how much that tumor has shrunk and how incredibly strong Logan is. Please tell him that my Team Logan shirt has arrived and I love it! I hope you guys can go home soon, I'll be thinking about you.

p.s. I'm thrilled to hear about Logan's artistic talent. :) Keep it up!